Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Modern Vintage Series - Day 1

In celebration of my 30th year on this fair planet, I've decided to embark on an epic 30-day drawing mission. My Birthday falls on the 31st of May, so starting now, I have resolved to produce 30 drawings, one each day until the end of the month. The 31st will be a well-deserved day of rest and celebration!

The project will involve creating illustrations of children, drawing inspiration from vintage photographs captured around 100 years ago. Essentially I'll be transposing these young vintage characters into a modern context. The concept has emerged from some experimentation I did earlier this year when I drew a young girl from a vintage book called 'Lost London'. I didn't want to just create a carbon copy representation of the photograph. Instead, I diverged from the orignal image giving her some colour, a new outfit, as well as a new story. We are all informed by past events and times, whether it's through stories, history books, or personal experience. Past experience illuminates our future, but to paraphrase Woody Allen 'Art is like a shark, it has to keep moving or it dies'.


  1. Great challenge. I'm looking forward to the sharks :)

  2. Sounds super cool! I love the 'Lost London' book. We have a copy too!

  3. Fantastic project! What a way to celebrate and welcome a new phase in life.
