Sunday, July 17, 2011

Keeping the motion

My time at CSM has come to an end. No longer am I in the safe confines of the college walls, but I've now embarked on my journey into the big wide world and preparing to put the skills I've learnt to the test. I've been told by many wise minds alike that it is crucial to not stop and to keeping pushing on with both personal and professional work, so following college I've tried to keep the ball rolling, with some well-deserved breathing time inbetween.

During an industry screening of the final films at college, I was approached to do some work on an upcoming BBC documentary. The animation featured in this documentary is hand drawn, so based on the work from my showreel and final film, it was the perfect opportunity for me to gain some invaluable experience in the niche area I aim to specialise in. I was asked to create and animate a character, as well as do some inbetweening for a few of the scenes.

The most enjoyable part of it was creating the beastie character, which was meant to be a medieval-type beast that could be considered creepy by current viewers. During my time at CSM, I hadn't created any really scary characters, so this was a good way for me to explore something different.

I didn't mind the inbetweening either, although I much prefer animating my own characters, I found this was a was a good way of gaining insight behind other animation techniques.

The documentary is set to screen on the BBC at the end of August. I've included the uncoloured beastie animation below. It has been animated to run in a continuous loop.

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